DX News – 1 May 2016

| April 29, 2016

Koji, JI1LET, is operating as JD1BOI from Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Archipelago, IOTA reference AS-031, until 6 May. Ogasawara is about 1,000km south of Tokyo and counts as a separate entity for the DXCC Award. Koji is working all bands from 80 to 6m using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via his home call […]

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DX News – 24 April 2016

| April 22, 2016

Doug, VK4ADX will operate holiday style from Norfolk Island from 23 April to 2 May. While there he will use the call sign VK9NU and be on SSB only. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World. Elvira, IV3FSG will be active from the Democratic Republic of Congo for one month. She will operate […]

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DX News – 17 April 2016

| April 15, 2016

Svein, LA9JKA, is operating on Jan Mayen Island, EU-022, on all HF bands, until early October. He is using the call sign JX9JKA. Send QSLs to his home call sign. Tom, KC0W will be active for several months as KH8/KC0W from American Samoa, using CW only. Send cards to his home QTH in the United […]

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DX News – 10 April 2016

| April 8, 2016

A team of operators will be on the air as EP2A from the Gilan province in Iran between 16 and 25 April. They will be using the 160 to 6m bands, except 60m, using CW, SSB and RTTY. They will have four stations on the air. QSL via YL2GM or Club Log OQRS, either direct […]

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DX News – 3 April 2016

| April 1, 2016

Four German operators are active as 5V7D from Kpeme in Togo until the 11th of April. They are working all bands 10m to 80m using SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL manager is DL9MBI. Dick, G3RWL returns to Barbados, NA-021, until the 22nd of April where he will reactivate his 8P9DR callsign. He will operate on […]

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DX News – 27 March 2016

| March 24, 2016

The big DXpedition event this week will be VK0EK operating from Heard Island. They plan to be on the air until 10 April. This is a multinational effort is led by the experienced DXer Bob, KK6EK. Up-to-date info is available on Mike, VK8MA is involved with a climate project that will be operating on […]

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