DX News – 11 March 2018

| March 9, 2018

Hartwig, DL7BC will be active again as FY/DL7BC/P from French Guiana until 26 March. Dom, M1KTA will be active as C6AKT from Eleuthera Island, NA-001, in the Bahamas until 17 March. He will operate QRP CW on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via Club Log OQRS, Logbook of The World or via […]

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DX News – 4 March 2018

| March 2, 2018

Mark, XE1B is on the air from Socorro Island, IOTA reference NA-030, in the Revilla Gigedo archipelago, until 15 March. He is using the call sign 4B4B and is active on the 160 to 6m bands, SSB only. This is quite a rare DXCC entity and the first activation since 2011. QSL via Club Log […]

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DX News – 25 February 2018

| February 23, 2018

A group will be operating from Rotuma Island, IOTA reference OC-060, from around 23 February until 16 March. The call sign will be 3D2EU. Activity will be on all bands from 160 to 10m using CW, SSB and digital. Rotuma is located about 650km north of Fiji and counts as a separate entity for DXCC […]

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DX News – 18 February 2018

| February 16, 2018

Members of Sandringham School Amateur Radio Club, led by Headmaster Alan, G4DJX, are in The Gambia operating as C5DX, with the visit ending on the 18th. Students have run a couple of pile ups at the time of writing and are doing well. QSLs go to G4DJX and logs will be uploaded to Logbook of […]

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DX News – 11 February 2018

| February 9, 2018

OH2IS will be in Martinique, IOTA reference NA-107, from 18 to 28 February. He’ll be focusing on the low bands as FM/OH2IS using a full size 40m metre and top loading for 80m. On the higher bands he will have dipoles. Dick, AD7AR will be active as 5W0LR from Samoa, OC-097, until 22 February. He […]

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DX News – 4 February 2018

| February 2, 2018

At the time of writing this week’s script, the 3Y0Z Bouvet Island DXpedition team is now at anchor off Bouvet Island, but weather and sea conditions have not reached the point where the team can begin transporting equipment and personnel ashore. Apparently, winds are 35 to 40 knots, the ship is pitching and rolling up […]

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