DX News – 3 June 2018

| June 1, 2018

Craig, VK5CE, will be active as VK5CE/6 from 4 to 7 June from East Lewis Island, which is IOTA reference OC-199. Then, from 8 to 11 June he will be on Direction Island, OC-140. QSL and other information is on K4D will be on the air from Dog Island, NA-085, until 9  June, as […]

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DX News – 27 May 2018

| May 25, 2018

S9ZZ goes on the air next Friday from Sao Tome Island, IOTA reference AF-023. David, EB7DX will be active on 40 to 6m SSB, RTTY, FT8 and CW until 9 June. QSL via his home call. The JW8DW Svalbard Islands operation, EU-026 ends on Monday. Operator LA8DW is on HF CW and SSB and you can […]

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DX News – 20 May 2018

| May 18, 2018

SV2CLJ will be on the air holiday style in Malta, IOTA reference EU-023, at the shack of Savas, 9H1AE. Activity will be from 24 to 31 May on all modes from 80m to 2m. QSL to home call. II1ITR will be celebrating the 90th anniversary of the so-called Red Tent, an Italian airship that set […]

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DX News – 13 May 2018

| May 11, 2018

Take, JG8NQJ/JD1 will be on the small Japanese atoll of Minami Torishima from mid-May to mid-August. This is Islands on the Air reference OC-073 and a separate DXCC entity. Chris, VK3QB, Brenton, VK3YB and Luke, VK3HJ will be active as VK9LI from Lord Howe Island, OC-004 until 18 May. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 160 […]

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DX News – 6 May 2018

| May 4, 2018

Depressed summer propagation is on the way so DXpedition activity is on the wane, but there are still operations to chase. Ari, OH3KAV will be active as OH0KA from the Aland Islands, IOTA reference EU-002, from 6 to 11 May. He plans to focus on CW and FT8 operation on 5MHz. Col, MM0NDX, Max, IK8LOV and Bjorn, ON9CFG will […]

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DX News – 29 April 2018

| April 27, 2018

Cezar, VE3LYC should be starting this Sunday from the Duff Islands in the Temotu part of the Solomon Islands. He will be active until 3 May. This is OC-179 for IOTA. The operation has been partly supported by the RSGB DXpedition Fund. Harry, JG7PSJ will be active as JD1BMH from Chichijima (AS-031), in the Ogasawara […]

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