DX News – 28 February 2021

| February 26, 2021

Tom, NL7RR, is active as KH9/NL7RR from Wake Island, IOTA reference OC-053, for about 6 weeks. He hopes to be on the 40 and 20m bands, as time permits, using SSB. 5V7DE is the newly issued callsign for Daniel, HB9EHD, who is in Kara, Togo. He will operate on QO-100 SSB during his evenings, and […]

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DX News – 21 February 2021

| February 19, 2021

Mireille, 3A/F4FRL and Patrice, 3A/F5RBB will be active from Monaco between the 24th of February and the 2nd of March. They will operate SSB and digital modes on the 40 to 20m bands. QSL via Logbook of The World and eQSL. Gareth, M0MOL will be active as MM0MOL/P from the main island of Shetland, IOTA […]

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DX News – 14 February 2021

| February 12, 2021

Gareth, M0MOL will be active as MM0MOL/P from the main island of Shetland, IOTA reference EU-012, in February and March. He will operate with what he refers to as a typical portable QRP setup and will be QRV mainly in the evenings after work. 3W9FAR is the callsign that Sebastian, SP5FAR will be using from […]

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DX News – 7 February 2021

| February 5, 2021

Gareth, M0MOL will be active as MM0MOL/P from the main island of Shetland, IOTA reference EU-012, in February and March. He will operate QRP with what he refers to as a typical portable setup and he will be QRV mainly in the evenings after work. Kang, DS4DRE will be active as DS4DRE/4 from Komun Island, […]

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DX News – 31 January 2021

| January 29, 2021

Takumi, JG3PLH is a member of the 62nd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition team and will be stationed at Showa base on East Ongul Island, AN-015, Antarctica until January 2022. He will be active as 8J1RL starting in February. QSL via the bureau.

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DX News – 24 January 2021

| January 22, 2021

Michael, HB9WDF will be active holiday style as 8Q7AO from the Maldives, IOT reference AS-013, from the 25th of January to the 7th of February. Activity will be on QO-100 only. QSL via Logbook of The World, eQSL, Club Log and via the bureau to his home call. Erling, LB2PG will be active again as […]

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