DX News – 24 July 2022

| July 22, 2022

Ian, G3WVG will participate in the IOTA Contest as MN5A from Rathlin Island, EU-122 on the 30 and 31 July. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS and Logbook of The World. Henning, OZ2I will operate CW as EJ7EE from Bere Island [Bear], EU-121, between the 29 and 31 July. On the 1  and 2 August he […]

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DX News – 17 July 2022

| July 15, 2022

Pete, ZL4TE will be active as E51RMP from Aitutaki, OC-083 on 18 and 19 July. He will also be active from Rarotonga, OC-013, on 20 and 21 July. Both locations count as the South Cook Islands for DXCC purposes. He is planning some HF QRP activity. QSL via his home call sign. Paul, W7NZJ will […]

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DX News – 10 July 2022

| July 8, 2022

A large group of operators will be active as T41DX from Playa Boca de Galafre on the main island of Cuba, NA-015, between the 14 and 17 July. Activity will be on the 10 to 80m bands using SSB, CW, FT8, FT4, RTTY and SSTV. QSL via Logbook of The World or direct to RW6HS. […]

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DX News – 3 July 2022

| July 1, 2022

Henri, OH3JR and Pertti, OG2M will be operating as OJ0JR and OJ0MR respectively from Market Reef until the 6 July. They are there on work assignment. Activity will be in their spare time on the HF bands using CW, some SSB, and FT8. QSL OJ0MR direct to OG2M and OJ0JR via OH3JR. Bo, OZ1DJJ will […]

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DX News – 26 June 2022

| June 24, 2022

Eric, KV1J will be active as FP/KV1J from Miquelon Island, NA-032, from the 28 June to the 12 July. Plans are to operate SSB, RTTY and FT8, plus some FT4 and CW on the 6 to 80m bands. QSL via his home call either direct or via the bureau, Logbook of The World and eQSL. […]

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DX News – 19 June 2022

| June 17, 2022

Alex, SQ9UM is on the air as SV2/SQ9UM from Poliouri in Greece until the 24 June. In addition, Chris, OE5CFH is operating as SV8/OE5CFH from Corfu Island, EU-052, until the 21 June. QSL to home calls. Ali, EP3CQ is operating as 6O1OO from Mogadishu and is there for about one month while working for the […]

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