WRC-15 – Day-15, end of Week-3

| November 20, 2015

ITU WRC-15Future Items:
With a lot at stake, the conference is being bogged down. Working Group 6B, which is dealing with possible new agenda items is getting a little fractious, with in-fighting between the proponents of the various satellite services, either claiming new spectrum, or defending their existing spectrum. This is occurring even before items have been agreed to be placed on the Agenda for WRC-19. Three working group sessions today are running into the evening and have resulted in three further sessions being scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday) to try and settle these and other matters.

In the meantime the possible new agenda item for 50-54 MHz amateur harmonisation has emerged as document 375 ready for presentation to Committee 6 which is scheduled to meet Monday morning.
Watch this space…

Colin HB9/G3PSM

NB: Further background and updates are at rsgb.org/wrc-15 and in our news


Category: News, WRC-15