YOTA 2018
YOTA 2018: Day 7

Our final day Most of the day was spent packing our bags and getting ready to leave the hotel. Our flight was a little later in the day, so we had some time to talk to others and say a proper thanks to the organisers for putting on such a brilliant event. After we got […]
YOTA 2018: Day 6

Today was our final day of activities and we started off the day going to Dinokeng Game Reserve. Yes, we were going on safari! Safari We got up at a more respectable time of around 7am, which compared to the balloon launch, was a long lie-in! Plus the weather was quite nice and nowhere near […]
YOTA 2018: Day 5

Trips to local companies Our penultimate day of activities included two group outings, one to a local PCB manufacturer, Bosco. Their website can be found at: http://www.bosco.co.za/ The second group went to a military company, GEW, which specialises in direction finding and radio jammers. Their website can be found at: http://www.gew.co.za/ Myself and Peter went […]
YOTA 2018: Day 4

QSX Unveiling and Kit Building Today was one of the most rewarding days of the week. It was the grand revealing and build of Hans Summers’ new QSX kit, which is an amazing radio. We started off the day with an introduction into the radio and its specifications, which can be found at the following […]
YOTA 2018: Day 3

Balloon Launch at Secunda Today was one of the highlights of the week, apart from the horribly cold weather and early start! We woke up at the very early time of 4:00am and stumbled onto the bus for 4:30am. The early morning was not helped by the freezing temperatures outside, but we all went in […]
YOTA 2018: Day 2

BaCAR Activity Our second day of activities began with a BaCAR (Balloon Carrying Amateur Radio) introduction. We were briefed on the main goals of BaCAR and told that we would be building our own cube to send up as a payload, tied onto a high-altitude balloon. This was very exciting, and we were divided up […]