RSSTonight @ 8 – archive main list by year

2 November 2020 – An Introduction to GNU Radio by Heather Lomond, M0HMO

| October 29, 2020

Heather’s presentation A beginners’ introduction to using GNU radio to create simple amateur radio projects. Starting from the beginning Heather will introduce the GNURadio programming environment, develop a little of the theory needed to understand SDRs and then go on to use some simple GNURadio blocks to build a receiver based on one of the […]

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28 September 2020 – My World of VHF by Tim Kirby, GW4VXE

| September 28, 2020

Tim’s presentation Tim talks about the different VHF bands, what types of propagation is possible on the each band, and why you’ll find that the VHF bands aren’t as quiet as you think they are. About Tim Tim Kirby, GW4VXE says he is lucky enough to review equipment for Practical Wireless, RadioUser and, more recently, […]

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28 September 2020 – A brief interview with RSGB Convention Chair, David Bondy, G4NRT

| September 28, 2020

In response to the UK’s continuing social distancing regulations, the RSGB Convention Committee has changed the arrangements for this year’s event and is holding an online Convention on Saturday, 10 October 2020. The programme will be split into two streams and whether you’re a new licensee, or have been enjoying amateur radio for many years, […]

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7 September 2020 – Portable adventures with Summits On The Air (SOTA) by James Stevens, M0JCQ

| September 7, 2020
7 September 2020 – Portable adventures with Summits On The Air (SOTA) by James Stevens, M0JCQ

James’ presentation Portable operating is addictive, whether it’s on a grassy hill top or on a bona fide mountain. The Summits On The Air (SOTA) award scheme allows you to combine amateur radio with some adventure. James, M0JCQ will introduce the basics of SOTA, while showing you some of the beautiful and wild places it’s […]

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27 July 2020 – Getting Started on QO-100 by Dom Smith, M0BLF

| July 21, 2020

Dom’s presentation Dom’s lockdown project was to complete a set up for the QO-100 amateur satellite, which is now just over a year old. QO-100, also known by its commercial name Es’Hail 2, is the first geostationary amateur satellite. It provides constant and reliable coverage for amateur voice, data and television QSOs over the whole […]

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13 July 2020 – How to check for VDSL RFI by John Rogers, M0JAV

| July 13, 2020
13 July 2020 – How to check for VDSL RFI by John Rogers, M0JAV

? John’s presentation The RSGB EMC Committee (EMCC) has been investigating VDSL interference since 2014. As the number of installations has risen to over 30M the interference level at amateur radio stations has also increased. The majority of radio amateurs are now impacted by this problem. In the May 2020 RadCom we outlined how to […]

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