RSSTonight @ 8 – archive main list by year

17 May 2021 – Discover more about amateur radio direction finding by ARDF Chair Bob Titterington, G3ORY

| March 17, 2021

Bob’s presentation Bob takes a look at Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) from its start in the UK prior to World War II to the situation in 2021 where there is a worldwide structure, competition format and rules. It covers the legal impediments to running DF hunts using cars, the frequencies, competition formats and the […]

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12 April 2021 – Introduction to VNAs and the NanoVNA by Alan Wolke, W2AEW

| March 8, 2021

This video begins with a short presentation in memory of HRH The Prince Philip who died on 9 April 2021 Alan’s presentation Alan gives an introduction to what a VNA is, the fundamentals of VNA operation and terminology, and what it’s good for. He then goes into the NanoVNA specifically—a bit about the design, calibration, […]

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1 March 2021 – Using propagation prediction tools by RSGB PSC Chair Steve Nichols, G0KYA

| February 1, 2021

Steve’s presentation Steve, G0KYA looks at the new tools available like Predtest, Proppy and Propquest and how we can use these. He also covers how they assist in preparing the propagation reports in RadCom and general. About Steve Steve Nichols, G0KYA is the Chair of the RSGB’s Propagation Studies Committee. He has been licensed since […]

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1 February 2021 – Starting out on the microwave bands by Neil Underwood, G4LDR

| February 1, 2021

Neil’s presentation Starting Out on the Microwave Bands provides basic information needed to understand the microwave bands and how to become operational on them. Topics covered include: What are the microwave bands? Propagation properties and microwave beacons What classes of licence can use which microwave bands? Equipment requirements including antennas and transverters Examples of typical […]

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11 January 2021 – Amateur radio construction by Steve Hartley, G0FUW and Pete Juliano, N6QW

| December 23, 2020

Steve and Pete’s presentations Despite what many people think, building your own radio equipment is still a very popular aspect of amateur radio. In fact there has never been a better time to do this, with readily accessible building blocks and high spec test equipment available at bargain basement prices, or, in the case of […]

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7 December 2020 – So what’s next? by Jonathan Mitchener, G0DVJ

| December 7, 2020

Jonathan’s presentation This is a jargon-free, wide-ranging talk about where amateur radio can take you, whether you are new to the hobby or returning after a gap. Using his own extensive journey and experiences from amateur radio, Jonathan discusses— What’s possible How to start out How to discover your own particular interests from the huge […]

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