RSSTonight @ 8 – archive main list by year

11 December 2023 – Amateur radio construction

| December 18, 2023

The presentation Do you enjoy amateur radio construction? Or would you like to try making something for the first time? The RSGB recognises the importance of construction as a key element of amateur radio, whether that is using traditional construction skills or a software or systems engineering project. In this presentation we’ll look at some […]

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6 November 2023 – An entry-level talk on End Fed Half Wave antennas by Colin Summers, MM0OPX

| December 7, 2023

The presentation Aimed at newcomers to amateur radio, this presentation will be an entry-level talk which will touch on antennas generally but will focus on the End Fed Half Wave Antenna (EFHW) – transformers, construction and performance. About Colin “I first became interested in radio around 12 years old when my cousin showed me an […]

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2 October 2023 – Introduction to Contesting by Lee Volante, G0MTN

| November 6, 2023

Next on Tonight @ 8… The presentation Aimed at newcomers to contesting, this presentation will explore how contesting began, explain why it is rewarding and fun, and demonstrate how anyone can take part in their first contests with equipment they have today. We’ll look at what are suitable events to start off with, both on […]

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4 September 2023 – MINOS Contest Logging Software by Peter Burton, G3ZPB

| September 4, 2023

The presentation Peter will cover the following points in his presentation: An introduction to what MINOS does in terms of contest logging Additional features How to obtain the software and how to install it Setting it up for first use Hands-on using it in a contest Some additional contest features Installing Rig Control and Rotator […]

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31 July – Ofcom consultation: Part 1

| July 21, 2023

Focus: contests, operating and call sign policy, in an event that might be of particular interest to Full licensees RSGB expert panel: General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB; Spectrum Chair Murray Niman, G6JYB; Board Chair Stewart Bryant, G3YSX; President John McCullagh, GI4BWM Instead of the usual webinar-style, these events will be forums where, after a short introduction, […]

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7 August – Ofcom consultation: Part 2

| July 21, 2023

Focus: Foundation and Intermediate topics including call sign and exam changes, as well as the Consultation clauses that might lead to new opportunities for outreach activities for everyone RSGB expert panel: Board Chair Stewart Bryant, G3YSX; Spectrum Chair Murray Niman, G6JYB; Examinations Standards Committee Chair Tony Kent, G8PBH; Board Director and Region 1 Representative Tony […]

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