RSSSpecial Focus

RSGB President writes to Ofcom about 144MHz

| July 5, 2019

In our next step in an ongoing effort to protect the 144MHz band, the RSGB President has written to Ofcom regarding the recent World Radio Conference WRC-23 aeronautical proposal. Our input summarises the basis for our deep concerns, but also includes an appendix highlighting the multi-faceted nature of amateur radio activity and innovation in this […]

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144 MHz and the WRC process

| July 1, 2019

RSGB has been a key part of a joint International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) effort and are working hard on both national and international levels to ensure a positive outcome for World Radio Conference-19 (WRC-19) items (50 MHz, Wireless Power, microwave bands etc) and WRC-23 Agenda proposals (144-146 MHz and 23cms). With regard to 144-146 […]

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Latest news on VHF spectrum

| June 28, 2019

The latest stage of our ongoing efforts to protect and develop VHF spectrum saw considerations for the future of 50MHz being concluded with the final meeting of CEPT Project Team D, as they prepare for WRC-19, where the RSGB has been represented throughout. We are also well aware of the concern in the amateur radio […]

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Update on 144MHz and 23cm threats

| June 21, 2019

The IARU was represented this week at the meeting of CEPT Project Team A—one of the groups leading WRC-19 preparations—which finished in Prague on Friday, 21 June 2019. Of particular interest were discussions on two proposed agenda items for WRC-23, concerning the sharing of the 1240-1300MHz band with the Galileo satellite navigation system and the […]

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IARU addresses 2m & 23cm threats

| June 14, 2019

As October’s World Radio Conference, WRC-19 draws closer, proposals that would need to be agreed for the future WRC-23 agenda are also in progress. On Monday the 10th of June, IARU Region 1 provided detailed background and serious concerns it has regarding two proposals under discussion in CEPT/Europe that may potentially impact important amateur bands […]

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WRC-15 final news

| November 27, 2015

The 2015 ITU World Radio Conference in Geneva has concluded. Following earlier success at 5MHz, the conference has agreed to include a future agenda item for the next conference, in 2019, which will consider harmonising the 50MHz band in Region 1. Several other agenda items that might have affected the amateur services have also concluded […]

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