The new licence conditions – RSGB help and support

| April 19, 2024

Following the introduction in February of the new Ofcom amateur radio licence conditions, the RSGB has continued to provide information and support to radio amateurs to help them make the most of the changes. This has included updates, club talks and a section of the AGM event focused on those licence changes. Go to the […]

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Sharing your stories of amateur radio

| April 19, 2024

Nigel Limb, M7FFU, had a motorbike accident in 2015 that left him with permanent brain damage and partially blind in both eyes, but this didn’t stop him pursuing his childhood dream of obtaining his amateur radio licence. In December 2023 he passed the Foundation Licence exam. In the early 1970s Sue Jacob, GW7YLS was a […]

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PSC member in BBC solar eclipse article

| April 12, 2024

On Monday 8 April 2024, a total solar eclipse gripped North America as radio amateurs worldwide looked on to see its effect on the ionosphere. This included RSGB Propagation Studies Committee (PSC) associate member Gwyn Griffiths, G3ZIL, who was interviewed by BBC news on the topic. The article, which was shared across the world, looked […]

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Join us live for the RSGB AGM on Saturday 13 April

| April 12, 2024

Remember to join us tomorrow for the RSGB AGM online. The deadlines for submitting questions in advance have now passed, but you can still ask a question via the YouTube live chat in the second part of the meeting. In this important event in the RSGB calendar you’ll hear some very positive reports of the […]

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RSGB call for radio amateurs enjoying the new licence conditions

| April 12, 2024

During May, the RSGB Photo Friday feature on social media will highlight radio amateurs who are taking advantage of the new licence conditions. You could be an individual who is discovering different things to enjoy with the new power levels, or who is encouraging friends and family to get on the air under your supervision. […]

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RSGB President interviewed by BBC

| April 12, 2024

On 11 April, BBC Radio 4 Feedback presenter Andrea Catherwood looked at why the Long Wave frequency is being shut down by the BBC. She interviewed RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM, and in the final programme a brief clip was used in which John gives his opinion on the possible impact for some listeners. You […]

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