New RSGB District Representatives

| April 25, 2024

Welcome to Richard Staples, G4HGI and Mark Dutton, G0UOK who have joined the Regional Team recently. Richard takes up the role of DR 36 (Merseyside) in Region 3 whilst Mark will be DR 45 (Teesside, North Yorkshire) in Region 4. You can find their contact details on the RSGB website if you’d like to ask […]

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RSGB ETCC volunteer vacancy

| April 25, 2024

After the sad loss of Bob Wilkinson, G3VVT, the RSGB’s Emerging Technology Co-ordinating Committee (ETCC) is looking for a volunteer to act as Regional Representative for the North of England region. The function of ETCC is to assist amateurs seeking to operate repeaters, gateways or beacons within the United Kingdom. Under the new licence rules, […]

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Planning Advisory Committee needs members

| April 24, 2024

The RSGB Planning Advisory Committee would like additional volunteers to join its advisory panel. Volunteers deal with queries from members about problems they face in getting planning permission for masts and aerials. These enquiries can be for support in making an application to the local council, or in submitting an appeal. If you have a […]

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RSGB National Radio Centre volunteers

| April 24, 2024
RSGB National Radio Centre volunteers

The RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) welcomes thousands of people through its doors each month and we need to expand our team of volunteers. If you’re interested in becoming an NRC volunteer you should enjoy meeting people and be prepared to work a minimum of one—preferably two—days per month. The National Radio Centre has a […]

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RSGB Board appoints Chair

| April 19, 2024

The RSGB Board has met for the first time since the Society’s AGM, where three Directors were endorsed to serve as Nominated Directors on the Board and one was confirmed as elected unopposed. The new Board has chosen Dr Stewart Bryant, G3YSX to continue in the role of RSGB Board Chair until the 2025 AGM. […]

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Regional Representative vacancies

| April 19, 2024

At its recent AGM, the RSGB was delighted to confirm the unopposed election of five Regional Representatives. However, there are still vacancies for Regional Representatives in Region 11, which covers England South-West and the Channel Islands, and also Region 12 which is England East and East Anglia. These vacancies will be filled by co-option until […]

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