Also in this week’s GB2RS…

| October 13, 2023

As we get closer to the ITU World Radio Conference, WRC-23, which starts next month, the future of amateur radio, particularly the 23cm band, is of key importance. The ITU News Magazine has a feature article by IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH regarding amateur activity in the 23cm band. This is the topic of a […]

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Rallies and Events News – 15 October 2023

| October 13, 2023

Dartmoor Autumn Radio Rally is taking place today, Sunday 15 October. The venue is Yelverton War Memorial Hall, Meavy Lane, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6AL. The event features bring and buy, trader stands, refreshments and free parking. The doors open at 10am and admission is £2.50. For more information, contact Roger on 07854 088 882 or […]

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Special Events News – 15 October 2023

| October 13, 2023

Today, the 15 October, is the last chance to work EI4FOTA from the Blasket Islands, EU-007. A team of ‘Friends on the Air’ will be busy activating special locations in and around Ireland until the 31 August 2024. See for more information. Members of Radio Club F5KDC will be active as TM400BPA until Monday […]

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DX News – 15 October 2023

| October 13, 2023

Today, the 15 October, is the last chance to work a team of German amateurs that is active as TX6D from Tahiti, OC-046, in French Polynesia. The team is operating using CW, SSB and digital modes on the 160 to 10m bands. QSL to DL7DF directly or via the bureau, Logbook of the World or […]

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Contest News – 15 October 2023

| October 13, 2023

The Oceania DX CW Contest started at 0600UTC on Saturday 14 October and ends at 0600UTC today, Sunday 15 October. On Monday 16 October, the RSGB FT4 Contest runs from 1900 to 2030UTC. Using FT4 on the 80, 40 and 20m bands, the exchange is your report. On Tuesday 17 October, the 1.3GHz UK Activity […]

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Propagation News – 15 October 2023

| October 13, 2023

We had a period of low geomagnetic disturbance last week, which allowed the upper HF bands to shine. There were lots of reports of DX being worked on the 10m band as the Kp Index sat mainly in the ones and twos, with a maximum of Kp 3.33 for one three-hour period on the 9 […]

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