Special Events News – 5 November 2023

| November 3, 2023

The ONZ Oostkust Radioclub, ON6HC is active on all bands and modes as OR79CLM until 12 November. The special callsign’s suffix stands for Canadian Liberation March, the annual event that celebrates the liberation of the Belgian town of Knokke on the 1 November 1944. QSL via the bureau. For more information, and details of an […]

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DX News – 5 November 2023

| November 3, 2023

Pierre, VK3KTB and Alexey, VE1RUS are active again as VY0ERC from the Eureka Amateur Radio Club station on Ellesmere Island, NA-008, until the 22 November. QSL via M0OXO’s OQRS. Philippe, F1DUZ is active as FG4KH from Guadeloupe, NA-102, until the 7 November. QSL via Logbook of the World, eQSL, or via F1DUZ.

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Contest News – 5 November 2023

| November 3, 2023

The 144MHz CW Marconi Contest started at 1400UTC on Saturday 4 November and ends at 1400UTC today, Sunday 5 November. Using CW on the 2m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. On Monday 6 November, the Autumn Series Data Contest runs from 2000 to 2130UTC. Using RTTY and PSK63 on the […]

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Propagation News – 5 November 2023

| November 3, 2023

The last two weeks have not been too bad for HF propagation, but not particularly good either. The solar flux index hit lows of 119 on the 22 October and 121 on the 24th, but subsequently recovered and stood at 159 on Thursday 2 November. This at least allayed the fears of some amateurs that […]

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RSGB DXpedition Fund

| November 3, 2023

Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets at the RSGB Convention last month to raise money for the DXpedition Fund. The Fund has already made donations to expeditions such as Bouvet, Swains, Rockall and Tuvalu this year. If you’re planning a DXpedition to a rare destination and would like to apply, go to the […]

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RSGB Archivist

| November 3, 2023

The RSGB is delighted to welcome Elaine Richards, G4LFM as the new volunteer RSGB Archivist. Elaine is a former RadCom Managing Editor and was keen to continue to oversee the RSGB archives when she retired from her RadCom role last year. If you would like more information about an old amateur radio photo or document, […]

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