Contest News – 26 September 2021

| September 24, 2021

When operating in contests, please keep yourself and fellow amateurs safe by following relevant pandemic-related government recommendations. The 48-hour CQ World Wide DX RTTY Contest ends at 2359UTC today, the 26th. Using the contest bands between 3.5 and 28MHz, the exchange is signal report and Zone, which is 14 for the UK. The UK Microwave […]

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Propagation News – 26 September 2021

| September 24, 2021

This week saw the Sun more active with up to five sunspot regions in place. Two of the regions are quite large, pushing the solar flux index up to 89 on Thursday with a sunspot number of 76. That should be enough to get the ionosphere up and running and we are also seeing early […]

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Extra September Tonight@8

| September 24, 2021
Extra September Tonight@8

We are having an extra Tonight@8 presentation this month so be sure to join us on Monday, 27 September. Voice repeaters have been with us in UK for almost 50 years a lot has changed in that time. We all are aware of repeaters but how many of us have considered what’s involved in getting […]

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Transatlantic Centenary

| September 24, 2021

The RSGB and the ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® in the US have announced joint events to celebrate the achievement of transatlantic communications by radio amateurs 100 years ago.  In December 1921, ARRL sent Paul F. Godley, who held the US callsign 2ZE, as their representative to listen for amateur signals from North […]

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RSGB Convention on 9 October 2021

| September 17, 2021

The RSGB Online Convention is taking place on 9 October 2021. There will be two live streams of talks available all day with a Q&A session at the end of each talk. After the event, on the RSGB YouTube channel, you will be able to view the lectures as many times as you wish. Callum, […]

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Join in with Exercise Blue Ham on 5MHz

| September 17, 2021

The RAF Air Cadets are planning to run the next Blue Ham Radio communications exercise on 16 and 17 October 2021. They hope that radio amateurs can put some time aside to join in with the cadets and staff on the shared section of the 5MHz bands. A Blue Ham participation certificate is available to […]

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