Canadians mark transatlantic first

| November 12, 2021

CF3BP will be operating from the York region near Toronto until 12 December 2021. It will mark the anniversary of the first transatlantic amateur radio transmission from Canada by Edward Rogers Senior using the call 3BP. He was one of the few amateurs to successfully transmit across the Atlantic in an ARRL-sponsored test and the […]

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Newsreader Jon Island Jon goes SK

| November 12, 2021

The RSGB has learned, with sadness, that Jon Hague, GM3JIJ, has become a Silent Key. Jon was a member of the Society for 72 years. Affectionately known as “Jon Island Jon” to his many on-air friends, he delivered the GB2RS News from his QTH at Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis for 26 years, his […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| November 12, 2021

On Saturday, 13 November 2021, Barry Amateur Radio Society was featured in a programme on Channel 4 at 8pm called Britain by Beach. The club was shown doing a recreation of Marconi and Kemp’s CW transmissions from Lavernock Point in South Wales. You can watch the episode on the Channel 4 website. The RSGB HF […]

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Rallies and Events News – 14 November 2021

| November 12, 2021

Before travelling to any rally or event, please check the event’s website as there may still be alterations or cancellations due to the pandemic, even as we head into the 2022 diary. The next rally we have details for is in 2022. The Sparkford Wireless Group Rally is due to take place on the 2nd […]

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DX News – 14 November 2021

| November 12, 2021

TM60ANT will be on air from the 16th to the 30th of November to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Antarctic Treaty signature. Operated by François, F8DVD from Mâcon, JN26JH, operations will be on the 10 to 40m bands. Information about the event and the QSL route can be found on Robert, S53R is now […]

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Special Events News – 14 November 2021

| November 12, 2021

OQ05PHI is the special callsign for the UBA Section de Philippeville to celebrate its 5th anniversary. It will be active until the 22nd of November. QSL via ON4PHI. Celebrating Saint Andrew, patron saint of Scotland, Welland Valley ARS will be active as GB0SA between 6 November and 3 December. QSL via G4XEX, LoTW and eQSL.

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