Special Events News – 20 February 2022

| February 18, 2022

W2AN/1BCG will be on the air using the Antique Wireless Association replica of the 1921 transmitter used in the transatlantic test. The QSO party begins on the 26th of February at 2300UTC. AWA operators at the museum site in Bloomfield, New York will begin calling CQ on 1.821MHz using CW. They will listen on or […]

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Contest News – 20 February 2022

| February 18, 2022

When operating in any contests, please keep yourself and fellow amateurs safe by following all relevant pandemic-related government rules. The SHF UK Activity Contest runs from 1930 to 2230UTC on Tuesday. Using all modes on the 13, 9, 6 and 3cm bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. On Wednesday the UK […]

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Propagation News – 20 February 2022

| February 18, 2022

Last week was pretty subdued in terms of sunspots, but it looks like we missed one of the most impressive space weather events of Solar Cycle 25. A bright, fast-moving coronal mass ejection, or CME, was visible coming off the far side of the Sun on imagery from the STEREO Ahead spacecraft. Had this event […]

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Bletchley Park closed on Friday 18 February

| February 17, 2022

In light of the red and amber weather warnings issued by the Met Office across the UK, Bletchley Park will be closed on Friday 18 February. You will also not be able to visit the RSGB National Radio Centre whilst Bletchley Park is closed. Bletchley Park hopes to open again on Saturday 19 February but […]

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Paul Shayler, G6TSF, 21st January 2022

| February 14, 2022

Paul Shayler, G6TSF passed away on the 21st of January 2022 aged 63. He was a very longstanding member and former treasurer of Burnham Beeches Radio Club (BBRC). He was involved with the club in setting up special event stations for the Queen’s  and RSGB  Jubilees. He also served on the  McMichael Mobile Rally committee. […]

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Enter the RSGB Construction Competition

| February 11, 2022

The RSGB Construction Competition deadline for entries is Tuesday, 1 March 2022, so you still have time to enter. There are four categories—beginners, software, innovation, and construction excellence. A cash prize will be awarded for the winner of each section, with a bonus for the overall winner, who will also be declared the winner of […]

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