Special Events News – 30 April 2023

| April 28, 2023

Special callsigns PA100PCG, PA100M and PA100K will be active on the 5, 6 and 7 of May to celebrate 100 years of communication history between Indonesia and The Netherlands. For more information visit  QSL via the bureau. Look out for special event station AU40NRO which is active until the 30 June. The station is […]

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DX News – 30 April 2023

| April 28, 2023

Sands, VK4WXW has been on Willis Island, OC-007, since October and today is the last chance to work him. He works at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s weather monitoring station on the island. In his spare time, he is QRV as VK9WX. The T30UN operation from West Kiribati, OC-017, is expected to be active until […]

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Contest News – 30 April 2023

| April 28, 2023

Today, the 30 April, the UK and Ireland Contest Club DX CW Contest ends its 24-hour run at 1200UTC. Using CW on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. UK and Ireland stations also send their district code. On Tuesday 2 May, the 144MHz FM […]

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Propagation News – 30 April 2023

| April 28, 2023

What a busy week we’ve just had! It started with a massive G4 geomagnetic storm that saw the Kp index rise to eight with aurora visible as far south as Cornwall and the Channel Islands. This was due to a coronal mass ejection from a filament eruption on 21 April. The 6m band came to […]

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Professor Martin Harrison, G3USF – 13 March 2023

| April 24, 2023

Professor Martin Harrison G3USF, the former chairman of the RSGB’s Propagation Studies Committee, died on Monday 13 March 2023 at his home in Keele, aged 92 years. Martin was also IARU Region One beacon coordinator for many years and did much to encourage the development of beacons to assist day-to-day band usage and propagation study. […]

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Simon Freeman, G3LQR – 28 March 2023

| April 24, 2023

Simon, G3LQR, passed away peacefully on March 28th at the age of 88. He was one of the best known microwave and UHF call-signs on both sides of the North Sea. Simon was a pioneer in many fields of microwave radio and inspired many others to follow his lead. He had 30 firsts on the […]

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