Special Events News – 4 June 2023

| June 2, 2023

Special callsign DR100XRAY is active until 30 June. The station is operating to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of physicist Wilhelm C Roentgen. His discovery of X-rays in 1895 earned him the inaugural Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 and revolutionised diagnostic medicine. QSL via the bureau or directly to DJ6SI. Ninety-five years […]

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DX News – 4 June 2023

| June 2, 2023

John, W5JON will be active as V47JA from Saint Kitts, NA-104, until Wednesday 7 June. He will operate SSB and FT8 on the HF and 6m bands. QSL via Logbook of the World, or directly to W5JON. Lars, SM6CUK will be active from Ven Island, EU-137, until Sunday 11 June 2023 as SA6G/7. He will […]

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Contest News – 4 June 2023

| June 2, 2023

The ARRL International Digital Contest ends at 2359UTC today, Sunday 4 June. Using Digital modes on the 160 to 6m bands, the exchange is your four-character locator. National Field Day ends at 1500UTC today, Sunday 4 June. Using CW on the 160 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and […]

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Propagation News – 4 June 2023

| June 2, 2023

We had a relatively calm period last week with the Kp index remaining below three and plenty of sunspots. Although we started the week with the Solar Flux Index in the low 150s, it quickly picked up to reach 161 by Thursday. As a result, there was DX to be had, although most of the […]

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Tonight @ 8 – Node-RED for radio amateurs

| May 26, 2023

On Monday, 5 June 2023, Mike Richards, G4WNC will be giving the live presentation Node-RED for Radio Amateurs. Node-RED is a visual programming language that is very powerful but surprisingly easy to use. The language has matured over recent years and has the potential to be a valuable tool for radio amateurs. In this talk, […]

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RSGB Beaconnect loop experiments

| May 26, 2023

Three weekends have been identified for some RSGB Beaconnect loop experiments: On 3-4 June 2023 there will be some regional loops and nets On the 10-11 June 2023 there will be an England-only loop and net, based round the activators who have registered for Beaconnect callsigns so far, but the Society would welcome new activators […]

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