RSSGB2RS Special Events

Special Events News – 27 March 2022

| March 25, 2022

Commemorating the 150th anniversary since the death of Samuel Morse on the 2nd of April 1872, OE0MORSE will be on the air, CW only, throughout April. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS, Logbook of the World or eQSL. A certificate will be available. The Isle of Wight Radio Society is planning a rather unusual special event […]

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Special Events News – 20 March 2022

| March 18, 2022

Celebrating twenty years of the Summits on the Air programme, GB20SOTA will be active from a Welsh SOTA summit until the 26th of March. QSL via the bureau, or direct to M1EYP. Frans, PC2F will be active as PF01MAX until the 20th of November, over the twenty-two Grand Prix weekends of this year’s FIA Formula […]

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Special Events News – 13 March 2022

| March 11, 2022

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Humwick Primary School will be operating GB4HJS for Science Week. Operation will be on HF datamodes and VHF. On Thursday and Friday, St Andrews Primary School will be operating GB2SPS for Science Week. Operation will be on HF data mode and VHF. More on both of these stations from Ian, G7MFN […]

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Special Events News – 6 March 2022

| March 4, 2022

Newport ARS has been granted GB4NPT to celebrating the 20th anniversary of Newport, South Wales, being granted full city status. The station will be operating throughout March. There is a QRZ page available for more information. GB80LAN in the UK, VE80LAN from Canada and VK80LAN from Australia, will mark the 80th anniversary of the first […]

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Special Events News – 27 February 2022

| February 25, 2022

H32AT is the special call sign that Jose, HP2AT is using until the end of the year to mark his 32 years in amateur radio. He uploads his log to, Club Log and eQSL on a regular basis, and will upload all QSOs to Logbook of The World at the end of the activity. […]

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Special Events News – 20 February 2022

| February 18, 2022

W2AN/1BCG will be on the air using the Antique Wireless Association replica of the 1921 transmitter used in the transatlantic test. The QSO party begins on the 26th of February at 2300UTC. AWA operators at the museum site in Bloomfield, New York will begin calling CQ on 1.821MHz using CW. They will listen on or […]

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