RSSGB2RS Propagation News

Propagation News – 5 August 2018

| August 3, 2018

The solar flux index stayed around the 70 mark last week, although a new tiny sunspot did become visible on Tuesday. Unfortunately this had little real effect on the SFI, although it did push the sunspot number to 11. This can be misleading due to the way sunspot numbers are calculated. You score 10 for […]

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Propagation News – 29 July 2018

| July 27, 2018

The solar flux index hit 66 on Thursday 26th, which is probably the lowest it will go this sunspot minimum. At the time of writing the visible solar disk has been devoid of sunspots since 27 June, apart from the tiniest fleck that sent the sunspot number to 11 for one day on 12 July. […]

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Propagation News – 22 July 2018

| July 20, 2018

Last weekend’s IARU contest saw a lot of action on the HF bands, which just goes to show that it isn’t all about sunspots. In fact, we have now gone more than three weeks without sunspots, which has been described as almost a decade-class event. The last time the sun lost its spots for 21 […]

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Propagation News – 15 July 2018

| July 13, 2018

Summer Sporadic-E brought some unusual short-skip propagation to 20 metres this week, with contacts being enabled between parts of the UK. Signals between Southern England and Scotland were very loud mid-morning after Sporadic-E cloud settled over the British Isles on Monday. These UK openings are hard to predict, but can bring short-skip on paths between […]

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Propagation News – 8 July 2018

| July 6, 2018

The 2018 Baker Island DXpedition has now concluded. As we said last week, the path from the UK to the Pacific is a difficult one, but plenty of UK amateurs did manage to make a contact with KH7Z. Twenty and seventeen metres did indeed prove to be the best bands, but on the whole it […]

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Propagation News – 1 July 2018

| June 29, 2018

As predicted, the geomagnetic K-index hit five last week, although it wasn’t until early morning on the 26th. Conditions then settled as the week progressed. The US Space Weather Prediction Center has the K-index remaining low for the week commencing Sunday, 1 July, so make the most of the settled geomagnetic conditions. Due to a […]

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