RSSGB2RS Propagation News

Propagation News – 16 September 2018

| September 14, 2018

Last week started with stable solar conditions, but very low activity. After 14 days without sunspots, two small, new spots turned up. Sunspot number 2721 existed for Sunday and Monday, then disappeared by Tuesday. Sunspot number 2722 popped up on Wednesday and Thursday, and was gone by Friday. Neither of these spots has disappeared altogether. […]

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Propagation News – 9 September 2018

| September 7, 2018

The Sun was spotless for most of last week and no spots are expected to rotate into view over the next few days. This will keep flux levels low, and working frequencies will remain depressed. Maximum useable frequencies may struggle to include the 18MHz band. Warnings of a rising Kp-index have been issued, and geomagnetic […]

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Propagation News – 2 September 2018

| August 31, 2018

Just after we filed the propagation report last Friday we heard that a new large sunspot had just appeared. This pushed the solar flux index to 72, but more interesting was the fact that it appeared to have a reverse magnetic polarity to the rest of the spots in solar cycle 24. This means it […]

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Propagation News – 26 August 2018

| August 24, 2018

This past week was characterised by low sunspot numbers and unsettled geomagnetic conditions. The K index hit three and four during the week due to yet another large elongated coronal hole on the Sun’s surface. But it wasn’t all bad news as there was DX to be had if you employed the right equipment. Roger, […]

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Propagation News – 19 August 2018

| August 17, 2018

Matter from a solar coronal hole sent the K-index to four on two occasions last week. This adversely affected the ionosphere and on Thursday morning the maximum usable frequency over 3,000 kilometres was struggling to get much above 10MHz. Earlier in the week conditions had been much better. In fact, there were signs we are […]

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Propagation News – 12 August 2018

| August 10, 2018

The Sun remained spotless this week as the solar flux index stuck resolutely around the 70 mark. The tiny sunspot that made an appearance on the first of August didn’t come to much and had vanished by the third. This underlines that we must be getting closer to sunspot minimum, although don’t expect to see […]

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