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Propagation News – 9 December 2018

| December 7, 2018

We had a new sunspot group, Region 2729, appear this week, although it is a member of the weakening Solar Cycle 24. The region formed fairly quickly in the sun’s southwest quadrant and at the time of writing was producing only very minor B-Class solar flares. It is unlikely to do too much for the […]

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Propagation News – 2 December 2018

| November 30, 2018

The CQ Worldwide CW contest last weekend showed that you can work DX with zero sunspots. Reports show that stations as far west as Arizona and California, plus the Caribbean, were workable from the UK on 20 metres, plus there were reports of some limited F2-layer openings on 10 metres. Chris, G0DWV even reported an […]

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Propagation News – 25 November 2018

| November 23, 2018

Last week saw relatively quiet geomagnetic conditions, thanks to a reduction in coronal hole activity. The Kp index never got higher than three, and was usually between zero and two for most of the week. We had a solar flux index high of 72 and a low of 69, which is in keeping with this […]

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Propagation News – 18 November 2018

| November 16, 2018

The predicted bad geomagnetic conditions forecast for last weekend didn’t turn out to be quite so bad after all. The Kp index only rose to four on the 10th and then conditions settled again, despite a large coronal hole on the Sun’s surface. However, reports did come in of poor conditions on 80 metres on […]

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Propagation News – 11 November 2018

| November 9, 2018

The large geomagnetic disturbance that we predicted last week actually hit the Earth on Sunday evening and Monday morning, as the plasma cloud was moving slower than experts predicted. Nevertheless, its effects were dramatic, pushing the Kp index to six and sparking widespread visible aurora, even from parts of the UK. The geomagnetic storm hit […]

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Propagation News – 4 November 2018

| November 2, 2018

Quieter geomagnetic conditions and a better autumn ionosphere meant HF conditions were quite good this week. GB2RS listeners reported plenty of DX activity during CQ Worldwide last weekend, including openings on 21 and 28MHz at times. While HF propagation was never going to be as good as it is at sunspot maximum, it does show […]

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