RSSGB2RS Propagation News

Propagation News – 19 June 2022

| June 17, 2022

We said that last week’s relatively low solar flux index wouldn’t last very long and it looks like we were right. This week we have had an SFI that started at 121 and just kept climbing, peaking at 149 on the 15 June. Unfortunately, we have also had some plasma to contend with thanks to […]

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Propagation News – 12 June 2022

| June 10, 2022

The sunspot number on Wednesday was zero with a solar flux index of 100. Given the high flux numbers we have been seeing this is a little disappointing. The last time the visible disk was officially spotless was December 2021. The upside is that there has been little risk of coronal mass ejections and the […]

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Propagation News – 5 June 2022

| June 1, 2022

What a difference a week makes! Last week we were looking at a solar flux index of 137 and a mass of sunspots. This week the SFI is standing at 101 with only three active regions visible, and one of those is about to rotate out of view. Geomagnetic conditions have been relatively stable, but […]

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Propagation News – 29 May 2022

| May 27, 2022

The solar flux index remained above 130 last week, being at 137 on Thursday as this report was prepared. It peaked at 165 on Sunday and reached a massive 180 on Wednesday the 18th. All this means that DX is workable on the upper HF bands with the 3D2RRR DXpedition on Rotuma Island near Fiji […]

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Propagation News – 22 May 2022

| May 20, 2022

Solar activity reached a new peak for this cycle this week, with the solar flux index hitting 180 on Thursday the 19th. This was partly down to the very large active region 3014, which is almost big enough to be seen with the naked eye, if suitable precautions are taken. To put this into perspective, […]

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Propagation News – 15 May 2022

| May 13, 2022

Well, it looks like the US Air Force was more accurate than NOAA with their solar flux index forecast last week. While the week started with an SFI at 117, by Thursday it had grown to 133. It has been mostly quiet from a geomagnetic point of view with a maximum Kp index of three, […]

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