Rallies and Events News – 1 October 2023

| September 29, 2023

The 48th Welsh Radio Rally is taking place today, the 1 October. The venue is Llanwern High School, Hartridge Farm Road, Newport, South Wales, NP18 2YE. The doors will be open from 8am for traders and from 10am for the public. Entry is £3. Free parking, bring and buy and refreshments will be available. For more […]

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Special Events News – 1 October 2023

| September 29, 2023

The British Railways Amateur Radio Society, using the club callsign GX4LMR, is marking 185 years since the opening of Preston railway station in 1838. Mark, G1PIE will be operating during the whole month of October. Activity will be centred on the 40m band using SSB. QSL via the bureau.

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DX News – 1 October 2023

| September 29, 2023

Bob, W7YAQ and Al, K7AR are active as VK9LAA from Lord Howe Island, OC-004, until the 4 October. They are running two stations on the 160 to 6m bands. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS, Logbook of the World, or via W7YAQ. Sajid, VA3QY is active as A22EW from his homeland of Botswana until the 8 […]

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Contest News – 1 October 2023

| September 29, 2023

The UK and Ireland Contest Club DX SSB Contest started at 1200UTC on Saturday 30 September and ends at 1200UTC today, Sunday 1 October. Using SSB on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. Stations from the UK and Ireland also send their District Code. […]

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Propagation News – 1 October 2023

| September 29, 2023

Another week of disrupted solar and geomagnetic conditions saw the Kp index go up and MUFs come down. A period of minor G1 geomagnetic storming was observed on Tuesday the 26 September thanks to an enhanced solar wind stream containing a long-duration southward-facing Bz component. If the solar wind’s Bz magnetic field points south, it […]

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RSGB Convention keynote speaker and programme

| September 22, 2023

It is just three weeks until the RSGB 2023 Convention so grab a coffee and browse the great line-up of speakers at this year’s event. The keynote and after-dinner speaker is Colonel John Doody FBCS FCMI CITP ACIIS MIOD who has the unique experience of having held appointments in Defence, the Intelligence Services and Industry. John […]

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