Special Events News – 7 January 2024

| January 5, 2024

Sunday, 7 January is the last chance to work special callsign EH5XMAS. The station is operated by members of Radio Club Lliria, EA5RCL in celebration of Christmas and the New Year. QSL via the bureau to EA5RCL, Logbook of the World and eQSL. On 14 January 2024, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II will abdicate and […]

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DX News – 7 January 2024

| January 5, 2024

Eric, F5LCX will be active as V5/F5LCX from Namibia until 11 January. He plans to operate with both mobile and fixed stations for a few hours on a daily basis—probably during the evening hours. QSL via Logbook of the World. Brad, VK2BY will be active again as HS0ZNR from the Nam Yuen district in northeastern […]

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Contest News – 7 January 2024

| January 5, 2024

The UK Six Metre Group Winter Marathon began on Friday, 1 December 2023. The contest will run until 31 January 2024. Using all modes on the 6m band, the exchange is signal report and locator. The ARRL RTTY Roundup ends its two day run on Sunday, 7 January, at 2359UTC. Using the 80 to 10m […]

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Propagation News – 14 January 2024

| January 5, 2024

Welcome to the first HF propagation report of 2024—it looks like it will be business as usual! A massive X5-class solar flare occurred on 31 December 2023. Luckily, this happened at 2155UTC, so didn’t affect the ionosphere over the UK, but it did launch a large coronal mass ejection, which was forecast to possibly hit […]

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Examinations and Syllabus Review Group to update syllabus

| December 22, 2023

Following its consultation on proposed changes to the amateur radio licence, Ofcom has recently published the “General notice of proposal to vary amateur radio licences”. The timescale for putting the licence changes into effect means that the Examinations and Syllabus Review Group has been working on the revised syllabus, version 1.6, in parallel with the […]

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GB2RS News Script for 24 December 2023

| December 22, 2023

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s news script News script for 24 December 2023 (MS Word document)

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