Special Events News – 12 November 2023

| November 10, 2023

Special callsign HB8DELOY is in use by members of the Swiss Air Force Museum’s Radio Club, HB4FR, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first transatlantic amateur two-way contact between Leon Deloy, 8AB and Fred Schnell, 1MO in November 1923. Listen for activity until the 31 December. QSL via HB9ACA, preferably via the bureau. RAF […]

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DX News – 12 November 2023

| November 10, 2023

Ken, LA7GIA and Shani, HA5DDX are active as 7O8AD and 7O8AE respectively, from Socotra Island, AF-028, in Yemen until the 16 November. The team plans to have up to three stations working on the 160 to 10m bands and will operate using SSB, CW and FT8. QSL via OQRS and Logbook of the World. A […]

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Contest News – 12 November 2023

| November 10, 2023

The Worked All Europe DX RTTY Contest started at 0000UTC on Saturday 11 November and ends at 2359UTC today, Sunday 12 November. Using RTTY only on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. Today, the 12 November, the UK Microwave Group Low Band Contest runs […]

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Propagation News – 12 November 2023

| November 10, 2023

Last week was characterised by very unsettled geomagnetic conditions which took their toll on the high-frequency bands. The Kp index hit seven on the 5 November, sparking visible aurora all over the UK. This also caused auroral conditions on the bands with many people commenting on the auroral flutter on the lower HF bands and […]

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GB2RS News Script for 5 November 2023

| November 3, 2023

Tap or click either link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script New .docx version – GB2RS News Script for 5 November 2023 (25-page/502KB Microsoft Word document) Traditional .doc version – GB2RS News Script for 5 November 2023 (25-page/502KB Microsoft Word document) Note to all GB2RS News Readers – change to GB2RS news script […]

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RCF funds amateur radio exams for young people

| November 3, 2023

The Radio Communications Foundation (RCF) is a small charity that seeks to promote radio engineering and amateur radio. Last year, a number of teachers identified the cost of Foundation exams as a barrier for some young people. The RCF Trustees considered how they might help. Funding exams for every youngster was seen to be unaffordable, […]

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