DX News – 14 January 2024

| January 12, 2024

Pierre-Jean, F4GPK will be active as TO2FY from French Guiana until the 16 January. He will operate SSB only from the facilities at the local radio club, FY5KE. QSL via eQSL, or direct to his home call. He does not use Logbook of the World or Club Log. Yannick, F6FYD will be active as CN2YD […]

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Contest News – 14 January 2024

| January 12, 2024

Today, the 14 January, the RSGB Affiliated Societies 80 and 40m Datamodes Contest runs from 1300 to 1700UTC. Using PSK63 and RTTY, the exchange is signal report and serial number. On Tuesday 16 January, the 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest runs from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the 23cm band, the exchange is signal […]

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Propagation News – 14 January 2024

| January 12, 2024

We couldn’t have asked for better solar conditions last week. We had a low Kp index that never got any higher than 2.67, and a solar flux index that started the week at 167 and then rose to 186 by Wednesday. So, at first glance, this looks like ideal conditions for HF. However, we are […]

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Regional Representative vacancies

| January 5, 2024

Are you interested in supporting your local radio amateurs and promoting amateur radio where you live? The RSGB Regional Team has eight Regional Representatives vacancies across the UK where you could make a difference. Last year Regional Reps got involved in a variety of activities including British Science Week and YOTA Month to help spread […]

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RSGB NRC volunteer interviewed by the BBC

| January 5, 2024

Great to hear RSGB volunteer Peter Marcham, G3YXZ on BBC Radio Oxford on New Year’s Day. Peter volunteers at the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC), as well as being a tour guide at Bletchley Park. He spoke to radio presenter Sophie Law about his volunteering after sending the words “Bletchley Park Guide” to a three […]

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Volunteer at the RSGB National Radio Centre

| January 5, 2024

There is so much happening at the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) that it needs to expand its team of volunteers! If you can volunteer on a Friday or Saturday, you will be particularly welcome. The NRC has a fabulous set-up, and full training on using the GB3RS radio station will be given. You should […]

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