Propagation News – 28 January 2024

| January 26, 2024

We dodged a bullet last week when a coronal mass ejection, or CME, was predicted to be heading our way. In the end, it came to nothing. The CME observed on the 20 January was expected to pass Earth and deliver possible G2 storm conditions. But a solar wind enhancement, possibly associated with the plasma […]

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GB2RS News Script for 21 January 2024

| January 19, 2024

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s news script News script for 21 January 2024 (MS Word document)

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RSGB British Science Week activities

| January 19, 2024

This year’s British Science Week runs from 8 to 17 March 2024 with the theme of Time. This event is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of amateur radio in your local area. The RSGB has some great activity ideas you could try at your local school, Scout or Guiding group, or local youth club. […]

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RSGB strategic priorities updates

| January 19, 2024

At the Discussion with the Board session at the RSGB 2023 Convention, RSGB President, John McCullagh, GI4BWM confirmed that the Board would keep members updated regularly on progress with the new strategic priorities. Two updates have now appeared in the January and February 2024 issues of RadCom, and the January 2024 update is now available […]

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RSGB elections – deadline approaches

| January 19, 2024

The deadline for applications for the one elected RSGB Board Director position, and eight Regional Representative roles is Wednesday, 31 January 2024. Amateur radio needs a strong and active national society, so don’t leave it to everyone else. Step forward for one of these roles, and play your part in the future of the RSGB. […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| January 19, 2024

A reminder that the RSGB is looking for four licensed radio amateurs to help raise the profile of wireless communication amongst young people across the UK. We have had a good response, but we’d still like to hear from prospective volunteers in Northern Ireland and Wales. These volunteer Youth Country Representatives will represent the RSGB […]

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