GB2RS News Script for 24 March 2024

| March 22, 2024

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s news script News script for 24 March 2024 (MS Word document)

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| March 22, 2024

Leicester Radio Society has launched an Amateur Radio Clubs on the Air activity this weekend, 23 and 24 March 2024. The aim of the activity is to encourage amateur radio clubs and societies to get on the air and operate. You can read details about an award that is available to both licensed amateurs and […]

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Rallies and Events News – 24 March 2024

| March 22, 2024

Dover Amateur Radio Club Rally is taking place this Sunday, 24 March, at Saint Radigunds Community Centre, Poulton Close, Dover, CT17 0HL. The doors are open from 10am to 2pm and the entrance fee is £3. Tables cost £15 each, with a maximum of two tables per vendor. For more information visit The Ripon […]

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Special Events News – 24 March 2024

| March 22, 2024

Celebrating the 95th anniversary of the first amateur radio association in Romania’s Arad County, a series of special callsigns, including YR95AR, will be active until 31 May.  The event is being organised by Radioclub Admira, YO2KBQ which is the successor of the club that was established almost a century ago. See for more information. […]

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DX News – 24 March 2024

| March 22, 2024

Gerard F5NVF, Luc F5RAV and Abdel M0NPT are active as TY5C from Cotonou, Benin until 29 March. They are operating CW, SSB and FT8 on various bands, including 6m, and will also be QRV via the QO-100 satellite. QSL directly to F5RAV or via Logbook of the World. Peter, DC0KK is active as 4S7KKG from […]

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Contest News – 24 March 2024

| March 22, 2024

On Tuesday, the 26th, the SHF UK Activity Contest runs from 1930 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on 2.3 to 10GHz frequencies, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. On Wednesday, the 27th, the UK and Ireland Contest Club Contest runs from 2000 to 2100UTC. Using CW on the 80m band, the exchange […]

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