Special Events News – 30 June 2024

| June 28, 2024

Durham and District Amateur Radio Society is participating as one of the bonus stations in the popular 13 Colonies special event. The special callsign GB13COL has been issued for the occasion and will be active from 1300UTC on the 1 July to 0400UTC on the 8 July. The primary focus of the event will be […]

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DX News – 30 June 2024

| June 28, 2024

Sylvia, OE5YYN is active as OE20SOTA until the 31 October to mark the 20th anniversary of Austria joining the Summits on the Air programme. For details of a certificate that is available see A member of the 69th Russian Antarctic Expedition, Igor, RQ8K will be stationed at Progress Station, Antarctica until the end of […]

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Contest News – 30 June 2024

| June 28, 2024

Today, the 30 June, the UK Microwave Group 5.7 and 10GHz Contest runs from 0600 to 1800UTC. Using all modes on 5.7 and 10GHz frequencies, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Tomorrow, the 1 July, the 80m Club Championship runs from 1900 to 2030UTC. Using CW on the 80m band, the exchange […]

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Propagation News – 30 June 2024

| June 28, 2024

We had another lucky week with quite a high solar flux index, low Kp geomagnetic numbers, few solar flares and no coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, of note. In fact, you couldn’t ask for better! But is that all about to change? With nine active solar regions on the Sun’s surface and the return of […]

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RSGB Convention practical session ideas welcomed

| June 21, 2024

Do you like making things? Are you interested in finding out more about the Raspberry Pi or programming an Arduino? Have you heard about the NanoVNA and DragonOS but don’t know where to start? The RSGB wants its 2024 Convention to offer practical sessions to help radio amateurs to try something new, develop their skills […]

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RSGB talks to ICQ Podcast at Dayton Hamvention

| June 21, 2024

Members of the RSGB Team, including RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM and RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB, had a successful time at the Dayton Hamvention in May. The event was a brilliant opportunity to engage with radio amateurs from around the world and it resulted in 132 people joining the RSGB. It also provided […]

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