DX News – 19 February 2023

| February 17, 2023

Peter, G4HSO will be active as S79/G4HSO from the Seychelles until 21 February. He will be operating CW and VarAC only. QSL via Logbook of the World. Bob, W7YAQ and Al, K7AR will be active as YJ0A from Efate, OC-035, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Their visit will include operating in the CQ WPX RTTY […]

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Contest News – 19 February 2023

| February 17, 2023

The ARRL International DX Contest ends its 48-hour run today, the 19 February, at 2359UTC. CW will be used on the 160 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted. For stations outside of the USA and Canada, the exchange is signal report and transmission power. American stations send a signal report and their State. Canadian […]

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Propagation News – 19 February 2023

| February 17, 2023

Last week was interesting as we had an X-class solar flare, and a significant geomagnetic disturbance, as well as good HF conditions at times. An impulsive X1.1 solar flare was observed around active region 3217 in the southeast quadrant of the Sun at 1548UTC on the 11 February. The flare did not appear eruptive, so […]

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Expansion of Special Contest Callsign list

| February 10, 2023

Ofcom has recently authorised an expansion of the list of Special Contest Callsign qualification contests to include two UK and Ireland DX Contests. Full details of how to apply for a Special Contest Callsign, including the complete qualifying criteria, can be found on the RSGB website.

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BBC Radio Somerset interview

| February 10, 2023

On 6 February 2023, RSGB District Representative Andy Jenner, G7KNA spoke to the BBC’s Simon Parkin about his passion for amateur radio. The RSGB arranged this interview—having been contacted by BBC Radio Somerset—following the Society’s recent piece in The Times. Andy discussed how he got into radio, getting licensed, and about the work he and […]

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RSGB Convention videos for members

| February 10, 2023

We have released two of our RSGB 2022 Convention videos just for RSGB members to view. In the first presentation Using the Right Tools to Work More 144MHz DX John Regnault, G4SWX gives a comprehensive guide to a range of software packages and websites that will help you to develop your VHF DXing skills The […]

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