RSSGB2RS Headlines

Poldhu ARC Open Day

| July 22, 2022

Poldhu Amateur Radio Club is holding an Open Day on Saturday the 6 August from 10am. They welcome anyone who has an interest in amateur radio, or those that are already licensed, to join them for the day. There will be an opportunity to operate the club station, have a chat and learn more. The […]

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Also in GB2RS this week….

| July 22, 2022

The biographical film about Sir Ran Fiennes’ life, Explorer, has a fair number of clips of HF radio operations with his late wife, Ginny, and Laurence, GM4DMA now KL7L included. HF communications were a mainstay of many of their expeditions from the early 70s to the 2000s. The trailer for the film has a short […]

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Direct to Full examination syllabus

| July 21, 2022

We are pleased to announce the publication of the new Direct to Full examination syllabus. Enrolments for the Direct to Full examinations will open in January 2023, six months after the publication of the new syllabus. More information about the changes and the full syllabus can be found at:    

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National Radio Centre seeks volunteers

| July 15, 2022

The RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley Park is looking to recruit volunteers, particularly for duties on Mondays, Thursdays and at the weekend. If you think this volunteer role is for you, or you want more information, please contact the NRC co-ordinator, Martyn, G0GMB on

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Antarctic Stations due to be active

| July 15, 2022

The Argentine Antarctic Stations at San Martin, AN-016, Belgrano II, AN-016, and Marambio, AN-013, are expected to be active on 14.190MHz every Saturday in July between 1300 and 1800UTC. Look for the call signs LU1ZD, LU1ZG and LU4ZS respectively. QSL all three stations via LU4DXU.

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Unknown interference appearing on 15m band

| July 15, 2022

The IARU Region 1 Monitoring Service Newsletter for June 2022 is now available. You can read about a new unknown signal on the 15m band. It was present on 21.0035MHz for several days with long-lasting transmissions. It was also received several times in the vicinity of 21.122MHz. There were also several unknown signals on the […]

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