RSSGB2RS Headlines

More 2022 Convention presentations released

| December 16, 2022

We have released four more individual presentations from our 2022 Convention which cover a wide and interesting range of topics. Philip Lawson, G4FCL gives an introduction to test equipment whilst Phil Catterall, G4OBK talks about adventure radio in Europe. Taking a look back into history, Dr David Abrutat provides a fascinating insight into Bletchley Park […]

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Planning Advisory Committee recruitment

| December 16, 2022

The RSGB Planning Advisory Committee assists RSGB Members with planning advice. It is looking to recruit additional committee members to help with this valuable service. You should be involved with, or retired from, a discipline associated with the planning process, or have a good working knowledge of the planning process. The committee would particularly like […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| December 16, 2022

The RSGB HQ email system encountered a technical fault between the afternoon of Tuesday the 13 December and the morning of Wednesday the 14 December. If you emailed the RSGB during this period, it is likely that your message was not received and will need to be resent. To help, the RadCom team has extended […]

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RSGB elections

| December 9, 2022

This is the time of year when we call for volunteers to step forward for election at the RSGB’s AGM which will take place on 15 April 2023. We are looking for volunteers who are willing and able to give their time and enthusiasm to ensure the Society continues to develop and thrive. The candidate […]

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Australia licensing changes

| December 9, 2022

At the end of September 2022, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), proposed that Australia’s amateur radio operators move to a class-based licensing scheme in July 2023, opening a consultation period that closed at the end of November 2022. The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) has replied to the ACMA proposals with a comprehensive […]

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GB22YOTA at the National Radio Centre

| December 9, 2022

The RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley Park is pleased to announce that it will be hosting GB22YOTA on Saturday, 17 December 2022. Any young amateurs, or those who are interested to learn more about amateur radio, are welcome. The NRC is located within the grounds of the Bletchley Park museum, and entry details […]

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