RSSGB2RS Headlines

Tonight @ 8 in November

| October 27, 2023

Don’t forget to be part of the RSGB’s Tonight @ 8 webinar on Monday, 6 November 2023. Colin Summers, MM0OPX will give an entry-level talk aimed at newcomers to amateur radio. He will touch on antennas generally but will focus on the end-fed half-wave antenna including details of construction, transformers and performance. Watch this live […]

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Also in this week’s GB2RS…

| October 27, 2023

Youngsters on the Air month is taking place in December. This means you have just over one month to think about how you, your club, school, or social group can get involved and help youngsters to get active on the amateur bands. It could be giving a demonstration at a local school or youth club […]

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Also in this week’s GB2RS…

| October 20, 2023

Today is the last day of Jamboree on the Air, also known as JOTA. The event promotes friendship and global citizenship and is a brilliant celebration of amateur radio among the Scout Association. There are many stations active over the weekend so please listen out for the young operators on the air. Some groups have […]

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RSGB 2023 Convention – a great success

| October 20, 2023

The RSGB 2023 Convention took place last weekend and brought together hundreds in person and as well as many more across the world who watched the livestream. RSGB General Manager and Convention Chair, Steve Thomas, M1ACB said: “In addition to the usual varied programme of lectures, I was delighted as Convention Chair to have led […]

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Tonight@8 in November

| October 20, 2023

The RSGB carried out a poll in its Facebook group for new and returning licensees, which showed that basic introductions to contesting and antennas were the top two topics of interest. In October we ran a Tonight@8 webinar which covered an introduction to contesting, and in November we are focusing on antennas. On Monday 6 November, […]

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ARISS contact with Kent primary school

| October 20, 2023

Children at St Peter-In-Thanet CE Junior School in Broadstairs, Kent had an ‘out of this world’ experience this week, with an ARISS-UK contact between the school and NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli, KI5WSL on board the International Space Station. It was an exciting and inspiring day for all involved. RSGB Board Chair Stewart Bryant, G3YSX attended […]

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