RSSGB2RS Headlines

RCF funds amateur radio exams for young people

| November 3, 2023

The Radio Communications Foundation (RCF) is a small charity that seeks to promote radio engineering and amateur radio. Last year, a number of teachers identified the cost of Foundation exams as a barrier for some young people. The RCF Trustees considered how they might help. Funding exams for every youngster was seen to be unaffordable, […]

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Tonight @ 8 – EFHW antenna

| November 3, 2023

Remember to be part of the RSGB Tonight @ 8 webinar on Monday, 6 November 2023. Colin Summers, MM0OPX will give an entry-level talk aimed at newcomers to amateur radio. He will touch on antennas generally but will focus on the end-fed half-wave (EFHW) antenna, including details of construction, transformers and performance. Find out more […]

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Course and Exam Finder map

| November 3, 2023

The RSGB affiliated club Course and Exam Finder map has been relaunched this week. All affiliated clubs were invited by email to submit information about courses and exams that they run. The replies that were received are now on the RSGB website. If you use the search function and it doesn’t show any results, try […]

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Also in this week’s GB2RS…

| November 3, 2023

The RSGB is delighted to welcome Elaine Richards, G4LFM as the new volunteer RSGB Archivist. Elaine is a former RadCom Managing Editor and was keen to continue to oversee the RSGB archives when she retired from her RadCom role last year. If you would like more information about an old amateur radio photo or document, […]

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RSGB Convention videos released

| October 27, 2023

The RSGB has released its first video from the 2023 Convention. RSGB General Manager and Convention Chair, Steve Thomas, M1ACB, talks to RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM and IRTS President Enda Broderick, EI2II. The two Presidents discuss their views on the opportunities, challenges and great things happening in amateur radio at the moment. You can […]

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Exam shutdown over festive season

| October 27, 2023

If you are thinking of taking an amateur radio exam before Christmas, there are two important dates you need to be aware of The last date you can take an exam at a club, whether online or on paper, is Wednesday 13 December If you want to take an exam online at home, the last date […]

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