RSSGB2RS News Scripts

GB2RS News Script for 16 January 2022

| January 14, 2022

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 16 January 2022 (12-page/452KB Microsoft Word document) . Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link

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GB2RS News Script for 9 January 2022

| January 7, 2022

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 9 January 2022 (12-page/425KB Microsoft Word document) . Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link

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GB2RS Local News for 2 January 2022

| December 30, 2021

This is the Local News for the week commencing 2 January, as there is no GB2RS News broadcast or script for this week.  Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS local news GB2RS Local News for 2 January 2022 (8-page/416KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this […]

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GB2RS News Script for 26 December 2021

| December 22, 2021

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 26 December 2021 (12-page/448KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link

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GB2RS News Script for 19 December 2021

| December 17, 2021

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 19 December 2021 (14-page/425KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link

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GB2RS News Script for 12 December 2021

| December 10, 2021

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 12 December 2021 (14-page/424KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link

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