DX News – 30 June 2013

| June 28, 2013

KK4GV will be operating holiday-style as J79GV from Dominica, IOTA reference NA-101, until 6 July. QSL direct. F5SWB is operating as TU5DF from Cote d’Ivoire on 40-6m, mainly CW. Stating on 1 July, a group including ON5JT, ON6QO, ON4CCP, ON4LEM and ON8VP will be operating as OJ0V from Market Reef, EU-053. QSL via ON8VP. NN3RP […]

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DX News – 23 June 2013

| June 21, 2013

W6JKV will be active as V31IV from San Pedro in Belize until 1 July. Operations will be on the 6 to 80m bands and he will probably focus on 6 meters CW. QSL via his home callsign. DL4SDW will be active stroke HI3 from the Dominican Republic until 26 July. Operations will be limited to […]

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DX News – 16 June 2013

| June 14, 2013

From 5 to 8 July, North Wakefield Radio Club G4NOK will be operating as GJ4NOK on 4m. They will be operating from the shack of the Jersey Amateur Radio Society at La Moye, locator square IN89VE, IOTA reference EU-013. 4m from Jersey is still comparatively rare and they hope that demand will be high. The […]

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DX News – 9 June 2013

| June 7, 2013

VK3DAC is currently operational as VK9DAC from Christmas Island, IOTA reference OC-002. He is active on the 10 to 80m bands as time permits. QSL as directed by the operator. The well-known DXer Steve, 9M6DXX will be active as PJ4V from Bonaire, IOTA reference SA-006, until 16 June. This will be a holiday style operation […]

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DX News – 2 June 2013

| May 31, 2013

G0MGX is currently working in Qatar and has obtained a permit to operate stroke A7. He says to listen out for him during evenings and some weekends primarily using RTTY and JT65. He adds that the Qatar Amateur Radio Society has made him feel very welcome and that he is very grateful to them for […]

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DX News – 26 May 2013

| May 24, 2013

VE3DZ will be active as VP9FOC from Bermuda, IOTA reference NA-005, until 30 May. He will be operational on all of the HF bands. QSL via his home call. UT6UD will be operational from Hiva Oa Island, OC-027, in the Marquesas from 7 to 13 July and from Rurutu, OC-050, in the Austral Islands from […]

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