DX News – 11 August 2013

| August 9, 2013

Byron, KF8UN will be active as 5H3BB from Tanzania until 20 August. Operation will be mainly on SSB on 40, 20, 17 and 15m with a possibility of some CW. QSLs go via his home callsign. Luc, ON6DSL will activate Crete, EU-015, holiday-style, as SV9/ON6DSL/p between 12 and 21 August, using the 15 to 40m […]

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DX News – 4 August 2013

| August 2, 2013

Andrew, G7COD will be active with the callsign EA8/G7COD from Playa Del Cura, locator IL27DT, on the Island of Gran Canaria, IOTA AF-004, from 9 to 31 August. Operation will be on all bands including WARC frequencies from 30m to 6m using SSB and CW. Callers from QRP stations are particularly encouraged. Refer to […]

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DX News – 28 July 2013

| July 26, 2013

Down in Australia, this winter’s Bogong High Plains Winter Trip will run from 5 to 9 August. Heading out across the snowy wilderness, a team of amateurs and friends will ski through some of Australia’s most stunning alpine landscapes. The group will be led by VK3GT, VK3FMAW and VK3SN up onto mountain plateaus that sit […]

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DX News – 21 July 2013

| July 19, 2013

CT2HPM will be on the air from Angola as D2CT from until 26 July. Activity will be on the 10 to 20m bands, mostly PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via his home callsign. PY2DY will be active as SY8APQ from Lesvos Island, EU-049, until 31 July. His operations are on 15 and 20m. QSL via PY2DY, […]

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DX News – 14 July 2013

| July 12, 2013

Flavio, will be active as 5R8NE from Nosy-Be Island, IOTA reference AF-057, from 16 to 30 July. Using the 10 to 40m bands, phone only, the station will be active for the IOTA contest, using an Yaesu FT-857 and a 10m fishing rod antenna. QSL via IK2DUW. Thomas, KC0W will be in Haiti until 25 […]

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DX News – 7 July 2013

| July 4, 2013

Rico, G6RFL and Martyn, G4SSG will be active as F/G6RFL/P on the 6m band using SSB, CW and BPSK 31 at 5000ft in IN92OX from 14 to 16 August. They will be using a 5 element Yagi, Datong automatic RF speech processor and Icom IC-7000 with 100 watts. Operation will also be on 17 and […]

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