DX News – 27 September 2015

| September 25, 2015

DU3JH and DU3LA will participate in the CQ WW DX RTTY Contest as DX3R from Subic Bay, which is IOTA reference OC-042. QSL via Logbook of The World only as no paper cards will be printed for this operation. Moto, JA1GZV will be on the air as TX7A from Moorea in French Polynesia until the […]

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DX News – 20 September 2015

| September 18, 2015

David, OK6DJ, Petr, OK1FCJ/OL8R and Pavel, OK1FPS will be active from Zimbabwe from 20 to 30 September as Z21MG. They will operate on 160 to 10m on CW, SSB and digital modes including RTTY. They will also be active in the CQ WW RTTY Contest next weekend. QSL via OK6DJ, OQRS, LOTW or eQSL. Gerben, […]

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DX News – 13 September 2015

| September 11, 2015

A group of UK operators will be activating Niue island as E6GG from 16 to 29 September. Don, G3BJ, Chris, G3SVL, Nigel, G3TXF, David, G3WGN, Mike, G3WPH and Hilary, G4JKS will be using four Elecraft stations with linear amplifiers on 160-10 metres, 24/7, from a cliff-edge location on the North of Niue. They will pay […]

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DX News – 6 September 2015

| September 4, 2015

Chas, NK8O is on the air as 5H3DX from Zinga in Tanzania until 28 September. Activity will be mainly on CW on all bands 20m to 6m running 100W to a Hexbeam. QSL manager is EA7FTR. Robin, ZL4IG will operate as 5W0RM from Samoa until 13 September. It will be holiday style operation using QRP […]

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DX News – 30 August 2015

| August 28, 2015

ZA01 will be active from Sazan Island, EU-169, from 2 to 9 September. Plans are for SSB, CW, PSK and RTTY on the HF bands as well as the WARC bands and 6m. Some meteor scatter propagation is planned too. QSL manager is IK2DUW or IK7JWX for Italian contacts only. Details on G8OFQ will […]

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DX News – 23 August 2015

| August 21, 2015

Jim, G3RTE, Phil, G3SWH and Matt, MJ0ASP will be QRV as F/G6AY/p from Cezembre Island, IOTA reference EU-157, on from the 26th to 28th of August. They will operate CW only on 30 to 10 metres during their daylight hours only. QSL via G3SWH, direct or bureau. Volker, DL1ZB will be active as SV5/DL1ZB from […]

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