DX News – 20 December 2015

| December 18, 2015

Aaron, VA1AXC is back on Sable Island, NA-063, until the end of January signing CY0/VA1AXC. He will be on the air during his spare time and his QSL Manager is JE1LET. For those interested in working stations located in the Antarctic there is a new operator at the Bharati Research Station. He is VU3BPZ and […]

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DX News – 13 December 2015

| December 11, 2015

Magnus, SM6WET is going to the South Cook Islands. Using the call sign E51WET he will be on Rarotonga Island, OC-013, from 14 to 17 December. From 17 December to 4 January he will be on Aitutaki Atoll, OC-083. He will activate all bands from 160 to 6m as circumstances allow on SSB, CW, RTTY […]

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DX News – 6 December 2015

| December 4, 2015

Martin, W8AKS will be active as 8P9EZ from Barbados, IOTA reference NA-021, from 5 to 12 December. He will operate on 40m to 10m and logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World. Haru, JA1XGI will operate from the South Cook Islands as E51XGI from 3 to 10 December. Operation will be on all […]

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DX News – 29 November 2015

| November 27, 2015

Mats, SM6LRR is operating holiday style in Vietnam as XV2D until 6 December and is participating in the CQWW CW Contest this weekend. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of the World. Donald, KD4UDU will be working as EL2DW from Monrovia, Liberia until 17 December. Look for him on 20m, 15m and 10m on SSB. […]

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DX News – 22 November 2015

| November 20, 2015

Yuriy, N2TTA, will once again be active as NP2P from the US Virgin Islands during the CQWW DX CW Contest on 28 and 29 November as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via Logbook of the World. During the same contest, Al, WP3C, will be active as NP4A from Puerto Rico as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m)/ High-Power entry. […]

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DX News – 15 November 2015

| November 13, 2015

Harald, DF2WO is operating as XT2AW from Burkina Faso until 27 November. Harald will likely be operating on slow CW. QSLs go to his manager, M0OXO. Andi, DL9USA and Jan, DJ8NK will be active as VP2ECC and VP2ENK respectively from the Caribbean island of Anguilla, NA-022, until 18 November. They are using CW, SSB and […]

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