DX News – 5 June 2016

| June 3, 2016

On the air until 15 June, Kevin, K6TOP will be in the British Virgin Islands, IOTA reference NA-023, with the call sign VP2V/K6TOP. Find him on the 10 to 40m bands working CW in his spare time. Send QSLs via Logbook of the World. John, 2M0JMN, is in the Cayman Islands, NA-016, operating as ZF2MN […]

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DX News – 29 May 2016

| May 27, 2016

Kevin, K6TOP is on the air as VP2V/K6TOP from Tortola, IOTA reference NA-023, in the British Virgin Islands. He will be active until 15 June while on holiday. Operation is on the 40, 20, 15 and 10m bands using mostly CW. QSL via NR6M. Stefan, DF8HS will be active from Fehmarn Island, EU-128, from 6 […]

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DX News – 22 May 2016

| May 20, 2016

Merv, N6NO is using the call sign VK9OL while working from Lord Howe Island, OC-004. He will be there until the 29th. He is using mainly CW and focusing on the WARC bands. QSL direct to N6NO. John, AI6Y will be on the air as E51XYZ from Rarotonga Island, OC-013, from 23 to 28 May. […]

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DX News – 15 May 2016

| May 13, 2016

A group of Australian operators will operate from Norfolk Island, OC-005, using the call sign VK9NT, from 20 to 31 May. They plan to be active on all bands from 10 to 160m using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL manager is VK2CA. Aaron, VA1AXC will remain on the air from Sable Island, NA-063, as CY0/VA1AXC. […]

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DX News – 8 May 2016

| May 6, 2016

A group of three German operators will be on the air from Jericho in Palestine from 8 to 15 May. They will use the call sign E44QX and be on the 10 to 80m bands, mainly on CW, but also some SSB and RTTY. QSLs will be handled by DF8DX. Gerd, DL7VOG will be active […]

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DX News – 1 May 2016

| April 29, 2016

Koji, JI1LET, is operating as JD1BOI from Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Archipelago, IOTA reference AS-031, until 6 May. Ogasawara is about 1,000km south of Tokyo and counts as a separate entity for the DXCC Award. Koji is working all bands from 80 to 6m using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via his home call […]

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