DX News – 28 August 2016

| August 26, 2016

Two amateurs from Japan are operating as VP6J from Pitcairn Island, IOTA reference OC-044, until 3 September. Activity is on 160m to 10m operating CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL direct to JF2MBF. Following their departure on the 3rd, a German amateur, Uli, DL2AH, arrives and will be there until 25 November. Carl, DU6/OE9MON is active […]

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DX News – 21 August 2016

| August 19, 2016

Armin, DK9PY is active again as 6Y6N from Jamaica, IOTA reference NA-097, until 24 August. He operates CW only. QSL via DK9PY, direct or bureau. Logsearch on Club Log. A team from the Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society will be active as EJ0L from Arranmore Island, EU-121, until 22 August. They will operate CW, SSB […]

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DX News – 14 August 2016

| August 12, 2016

Nicola, IU7GSN is on the air as ZA3/IU7GSN until the 23rd of August. Activity is holiday style on the 10 to 40m bands using SSB and various digital modes. QSL direct to his home callsign. A group of US and Canadian operators will use CY9C from St Paul Island, NA-094, from the 19th to 28th […]

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DX News – 7 August 2016

| August 5, 2016

Reg, G8VHI will be active from 13 to 20 August /MM in the North Sea. He plans to use 144.333MHz using 100W to a four element antenna. He is limited to operation from his cabin, which is located on the starboard side. This is a family holiday and operating will reflect this. Armin, DK9PY will […]

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DX News – 31 July 2016

| July 29, 2016

Tom Callas, KC0W, continues from Tuvalu as T2COW until the 18 August. He will be on CW only on HF including the 6m band, running 500W into vertical antennas over salt water. Theodoros, SV1EJD is on the air as SV8/SV1EJD from Syros Island, IOTA EU-067, until the 11 August. Activity is on the 6 to […]

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DX News – 24 July 2016

| July 22, 2016

A group of operators will put DR0F on the air from the island of Neuwerk, EU-127 from 28 July to 1 August, which includes the IOTA Contest. QSL via the bureau to DM4DL. A large group of operators will be active from Yijiangshan Island, IOTA AS-141, from 26 July to 1 August. They will sign […]

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