DX News – 19 February 2017

| February 17, 2017

Alain, F5OZC and Sebastien, F8DQZ will be in the Los Islands, IOTA AF-051, until 26 February. The Los Islands are off the coast of Guinea in West Africa and the call sign being used is 3XY3D. A European team will sign VP6EU from Pitcairn Island in the Pacific until 5 March. More information can be […]

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DX News – 12 February 2017

| February 10, 2017

Pista, HA5AO returns to Lesotho until 26 February. He will reactivate his 7P8EUDXF call sign that he aired last October. This is a spare time operation and QSLs should go via OQRS to HA5AO. Michael, DF8AN will operate as CE0Y/DF8AN from Easter Island, IOTA reference SA-001, until 17 February. He will be on CW and […]

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DX News – 5 February 2017

| February 3, 2017

A team of US operators will be meeting at Guantanamo Bay, IOTA reference NA-015, at various times between 10 and 24 February. Bill, KG4WV, Jim, KG4AW and Keith, KG4DY will start on the 10th. Keith will stay until the 17th. Don, KG4ZK will join the team on the 17th and will leave on the 24th […]

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DX News – 29 January 2017

| January 27, 2017

Peter, HA3AUI will be visiting Guinea-Bissau and Senegal between now and early March. Call signs to look for are J5UAP and 6W2SC. Operation will be on CW and QSLs are requested directly to his home call. A group of German operators will activate TU5MH from the Ivory Coast until 2 February. They will have three […]

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DX News – 22 January 2017

| January 20, 2017

Jean-Pierre, F6ITD is on the air as TO7D and FG/F6ITD from La Desirade Island, IOTA NA-102, until 9 March. Activity is on 160 to 10 metres using CW, SSB and various digital modes. QSL to his home call sign. DF3FS, DJ7JC, DL8JJ and DJ9RR will be operating as TU5MH from the Ivory Coast from 22 […]

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DX News – 15 January 2017

| January 13, 2017

Between 20 and 23 January, JA2NQG, JH2BNL, JI2UAY will operate from Benjor Resort, Port Vila, on Efate Island, OC-035, as YJ0WW, YJ0AA and YJ0FM respectively. Activity will be on 160-10 metres using CW, SSB and RTTY. They will have two 500 watt stations and one 200 watt station into an Inverted L, dipoles, CrankIR and […]

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