DX News – 14 January 2018

| January 12, 2018

Brian, GW4DVB will be operating a small holiday DXpedition between the 21 and 28 January. Operating as J88PI from Palm Island situated near the southern tip of St Vincent and the Grenadines. The IOTA reference is NA-025. He will be using a Yaesu FT-991A with 100 watts into a 10m vertical on the 10, 15, […]

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DX News – 7 January 2018

| January 5, 2018

Jim, WB2TJO is operating as 3D2JS from Taveuni Island, IOTA reference OC-016, until 13 March. Activity is on the 80 to 6m bands using CW, SSB and some digital modes. QSL to his home call sign. Trung, W6TN is on the air as 3W9T from Vietnam until 11 January. Activity is on the 20 and […]

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DX News – 24 December 2017

| December 22, 2017

Earl, WA3DX will be touring Senegal between 25 December and 12 January and will be active holiday style as 6W1/WA3DX from Dakar, as 6W7/WA3DX from Mbao, as 6W6/WA3DX from Kaolack and the Saloum Islands. He will operate SSB, PSK and SSTV on the 10 to 40m bands. QSL direct to WA3DX. A team from the […]

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DX News – 17 December 2017

| December 15, 2017

John, N9MDH will be in Togo as 5V7JE until the end of May. Main activity will be digimodes on the WARC bands. Volker, DJ8VW will be active as 5P8VW from Romo Island, IOTA reference EU-125, until 23 December. He will operate SSB, CW and FT8 on the 160 to 6m bands. QSLs are preferred via […]

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DX News – 10 December 2017

| December 8, 2017

Lester, W8YCM is on the air until January 2018 as 6Y6Y from Westmoreland Parish at Negril, Jamaica, IOTA reference NA-097. Activity is holiday style on various HF bands. QSL direct to home call. Elvira, IV3FSG is on the air as E44YL from Bethlehem until 18 December. Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB, […]

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DX News – 3 December 2017

| December 1, 2017

Hartwig, DL7BC will be operating as FY/DL7BC/p near Cayenne in French Guiana until 7 December. QSL direct to home call. John, N9MDH is on the air as 5V1JE from Lome in Togo until the end of May 2018. Activity is on 80 to 10 metres using SSB and various digital modes. QSL via Logbook of […]

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