DX News – 11 October 2020

| October 9, 2020

Jerry, F4HJO will be active as F4HJO/p from Brehat Island, IOTA reference EU-074, between 17 and 24 October. He will operate mainly SSB on the 80, 40, 20 and 17m bands. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS, Logbook of The World or via his home call, either direct or via the bureau. Take, JG8NQJ will be […]

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DX News – 4 October 2020

| October 2, 2020

A team will be active as JW4O from the JW5E club station in Svalbard, EU-026, from 8 to 12 October. The main goal of the operators is to participate in the SSB leg of the Scandinavian Activity Contest on 10 and 11 October.

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DX News – 27 September 2020

| September 25, 2020

David, M0VDL will be active from Lundy Island, IOTA reference EU-120, between 26 September and 1 October. He plans to operate SSB and FT8 on 20, 40 and maybe 80 metres, primarily in the local morning and evening hours.

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DX News – 23 August 2020

| August 21, 2020

Many stations will be on the air this weekend from lighthouses around Europe and beyond. Listen out for T45FM, CQ0ODX/P, TM2LW, GB9UL and OV1LH, among many others—a full list can be found at Giorgio, YI/IU5HWS is with the military in Iraq and will be operating on 40, 20 and 10 metres until the end […]

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DX News – 16 August 2020

| August 14, 2020

Commemorating the 105th anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli during World War I, special event stations TC3GP and TC3GS will be active until 23 August. QSLs via YM3KCN. Giorgio, YI/IU5HWS is with the military in Iraq and will be operating on 40, 20 and 10 metres until the end of November.

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DX News – 9 August 2020

| August 7, 2020

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Korea on 15 August 1945, members of the Korean Amateur Radio League will be active as HL75V until the end of August. QSL via 6K0MF. Commemorating the 105th anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli during World War I, special event stations TC3GP and TC3GS will be active […]

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