RSSGB2RS Contest News

Contest News – 4 September 2016

| September 2, 2016

SSB Field Day takes place for 24 hours over this weekend ending at 1300UTC on Sunday the 4th. Like its CW counterpart, this contest has Open and Restricted sections, although the antenna limitations are different, so please check the rules beforehand. It runs on the 3.5 to 28MHz bands. The exchange is signal report and […]

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Contest News – 28 August 2016

| August 26, 2016

The Irish IRTS 2m Counties takes place from 1300 to 1500UTC on Sunday, the 28th. In this contest QSOs with EI and GI are the only ones that count for points. Each of the 32 Irish counties is a multiplier. Using the 2m band only, SSB and FM, the exchange is RTT and serial number, […]

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Contest News – 21 August 2016

| August 19, 2016

On Tuesday the 50MHz UKAC takes place on the 6m band, plus at the same time there’s the SHF UKAC on 2.3 to 10GHz. Both contests are all modes, run from 1900 to 2130UTC and the exchange is RST, serial number and locator. Thursday sees the 80m Club Sprint SSB leg from 1900 to 2000UTC. […]

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Contest News – 14 August 2016

| August 12, 2016

The Worked All Europe (WAE) DX CW Contest ends it 48 hour run at 2359UTC today, the 14th. Europe works non-Europe only in this event, so, propagation permitting, there’ a lot of DX working. Using the 3.5 to 28MHz bands the exchange is signal report and serial number. Today, the 14th, the UK Microwave Groups […]

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Contest News – 7 August 2016

| August 5, 2016

On Sunday, the 7th, the 432MHz Low Power contest runs from 0800 to 1200UTC. The exchange is signal report, serial number, locator and postcode. On Tuesday the 432MHz UK Activity Contest will be on the air from 1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. On Wednesday the […]

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Contest News – 31 July 2016

| July 29, 2016

Sunday, the 31st, the UK Microwave Groups contest runs from 0600 to 1800. Using all modes on the 5.7 and 10GHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The IOTA Contest ends its 24 hour run at 1200UTC on Sunday, the 31st. It’s CW and SSB only on the 3.5 to 28MHz […]

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