RSSGB2RS Contest News

Contest News – 3 July 2022

| July 1, 2022

This weekend is the RSGB VHF National Field Day ending its 24-hour run at 1400UTC today, 3 July. The contest uses the 50, 70, 144 and 432MHz bands as well as 1.3GHz. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Today, Sunday 3 July, the third 144MHz Backpackers contest runs from […]

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Contest News – 26 June 2022

| June 24, 2022

Today, Sunday the 26 June, there are three contests taking place. The CW leg of the 50MHz Contest runs between 0900 and 1200UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The second contest today, the 26 June, is the fourth 70MHz Cumulatives contest runs between 1400 and 1600UTC. Using all […]

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Contest News – 19 June 2022

| June 17, 2022

The 50MHz Trophy Contest ends its 24-hour run at 1400UTC on the 19 June . The exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The All-Asian DX contest runs for 48 hours and ends at 2359UTC on the 19 June . Using the 1.8 to 28MHz bands where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal […]

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Contest News – 12 June 2022

| June 10, 2022

The IARU ATV Contest ends its 30-hour run at 1800UTC today, the 12 June . Using the 432MHz band and up, the exchange is the P number, serial number and locator. Today, Sunday the 12 June, the second 144MHz Backpackers contest runs from 0900 to 1300UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial […]

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Contest News – 5 June 2022

| June 1, 2022

This weekend is a busy one for contests. The ARRL International Digital Contest ends its 48-hour run at 2359UTC today, Sunday the 5 June. Using digital modes, but no RTTY, on the 1.8 to 50MHz bands where contests are allowed, the exchange is your 4-character locator. The UK Six Metre Group’s Summer Contest ends its […]

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Contest News – 29 May 2022

| May 27, 2022

This weekend is the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. It runs for 48 hours ending at 2359UTC today, the 29th. Using the 1.8 to 28MHz bands where contests are allowed, the exchange is signal report and serial number. Today, the 29May , the 70MHz Cumulative contest runs from 1400 to 1600UTC. Using all modes, […]

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