RSSCoronavirus Updates

RSGB HF and VHF contest rules changes

| March 19, 2020

As a result of the UK government’s recent advice on social distancing, it is with regret that the HF Contest Committee (HFCC) and the VHF Contest Committee (VHFCC) have decided that, with immediate effect and until the end of June 2020, we will no longer accept multi-operator contest entries for any RSGB Contest. Single operator […]

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New exam bookings paused until further notice

| March 19, 2020

Following on from the exam announcement earlier this week, it has been decided that with immediate effect and until further notice, the RSGB Exam Department will not be accepting or processing any new exam bookings. If you have already carried out a practical assessment for a Foundation or Intermediate exam and it is still valid, […]

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Exam flexibility during the coronavirus situation

| March 16, 2020

With the reported increase of positive cases of Coronavirus, it is inevitable that some exams may need to be postponed. If it becomes necessary for you to postpone an exam, please follow these steps: Email the examination office: If you’ve received your exam paperwork you’ll need to return it unopened and intact, using the […]

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The RSGB’s NRC to close temporarily

| March 12, 2020

The RSGB’s National Radio Centre welcomes individuals and large groups of people from across the world every week. With the increase in cases of coronavirus in the UK and other countries, the RSGB has taken the difficult decision to close the NRC temporarily from Wednesday, 18 March 2020. It will open as normal this weekend […]

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